Thursday, 31 July 2008

Summer sun

Finally an update for the blog...spring skiing unfortunately didn't quite live up to expectations thanks to a combination of a dodgy knee, a virus, and weather playing tricks...having sat in the rain for the first 2 weeks of June I headed offshore into the North Sea for some rope access work at which point the weather cleared and some legendary slopes saw massed descents...

Oh well, there's always next year!

Meantime its currently 30 degrees here in Bozel, and the weather has been pretty stable on the whole, with a few good sorties in the last couple of weeks here in the Vanoise:

Back to the skiing there have been a few keenies out, with the Couturier on the Verte and the NE on the Courtes seeing descents about a week ago, following a snowy storm cycle. Dedication...or madness?